The ESO: Update 17 Brings Outfit And Loads Of Features

eos4gold Date: Mar/02/18 14:47:11 Views: 1408

The Dragon Bones DLC is free for ESO Plus subscribers and can be purchased by other players at the Crown Store. Bethesda has announced that the console version of The Elder Scrolls Online has received a new DLC and a new update. In The Elder Scrolls Online, you can finally go hunting for Dragon Bones on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. If you have any doubts, wecome to visit here to know more. 



Update 17 Brings Outfit And Loads Of Features


For all ESO fans for free, there is the update 17. It includes, among other things, the following features: 


Level Ups: As you rise, you receive special rewards

Battle System: The combat system has been redesigned

Garter System: You can now customize the appearance of your armor. 

Housing Chests: Thanks to chests you can create up to 360 new storage bins in Housing



The new DLC of The Elder Scrolls Online came with bones, new dungeons and a number of smaller and bigger changes with Update 17. Update 17 includes new new gameplay additions, two new battlegrounds, a renewed outfit system and a home storage system, which fans have long been waiting for. The content contains two new dungeons, new items, sample sets, loot and achievements. 


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